All along you were blooming. — Morgan Harper Nichols

“It’s crazy,” my friend said, as she breastfed her new baby, “because I prayed for all this. I mean things I prayed for so specifically are happening so quickly.”

Mom of three, wife, CEO.

She sat in her couture gown, beaming at her three-month-old, as her oldest daughter leaned against her shoulder gazing intently at her new little brother. She would be leaving for an event shortly, but for now, she was just mom.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m tired,” she grinned, “I’m really tired, but I’m so grateful. I just ask God for the strength, that he broadens my shoulders enough to carry it all, because this is exactly what I prayed for.”

What struck me most about what she said was the word “quickly.” The things she prayed for were happening so quickly.

I know that season she’s talking about. It’s a season of bloom. One during which things come together so perfectly, with such immediacy, and in a way only God could pull off, that you can’t help but sit back and take it in with awe.

I’ve experienced that “yes” season a few times in my life. It’s like all systems go, here are your dreams on a platter. It’s miraculous, humbling, and always points back to Him, the one who whispers those dreams to us in the first place.

Other seasons, not so much.

In fact, as anyone who follows my blog knows, I’ve been weathering a “waiting” season for the past year, which feels sneakily like a “no” season. During this period, time has often felt suspended, answers dangled out of my reach, my patience has been tested over and over again. I’ve matured, but not without some serious growing pains.

Yet, just like with spring which took forever to get here this year, seasons do eventually change. A few weeks ago I could sense, though my circumstances said otherwise, that I was stepping into a season of renewal.

I could hear God tell me to get ready, for what I still don’t know. Although I have a feeling when it comes, it will come like it did for my friend— quickly, precisely, divinely.

So I’m taking the time to get my footing right. I’m keeping my eyes on my own path, I’m tuning into God more than my friends, and working with a therapist to help me sort out old imprints (honestly didn’t even know those were there until I read this book).

I’ve lept into entrepreneurship like my rent (and future ability to work from home) depends on it. I’m selective in where my energy goes, who I surround myself with.

In the middle of a waiting season, I often ask myself, if you knew that everything you wanted (whatever that breakthrough is that you’re hoping for) was going to be yours in 6 months, how would you act today? 

How would you carry yourself if you had that security in your back pocket? Would you use this time to pour into others? Would you work differently? Put yourself out there more? Take care of your body better? Could you appreciate this moment instead of willing it away?

Trusting God is believing Him when He says the plans he has for us are good. It’s knowing the outcome will eventually be in your favor so you can relax a little during the journey.

There’s not one single part of your story He doesn’t intend to use, even the parts that feel put on pause.

God has equipped us to step into our purpose. Beyond our means, beyond our circumstances, beyond our sight. Our hope is in him as he directs our steps. Each day is a journey of faith.

That’s not to say we can navigate these periods idly and take what comes. We have to be on guard constantly, diligently. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, and sometimes the greatest battle is in our minds.

Our job is to keep our eyes fixed on God and stay on His path— trusting, relying on, steadfastly believing in His ability to weave things together.

There were times during this season that I couldn’t make it through a morning without tears. I taped bible verse after bible verse on the cabinet in my bathroom, reminding myself of the truth I didn’t feel. Sometimes leaning on God means starting new every morning.

If you’re in that season, I get it. I see you. I know what you’re going through and I beg you not to wish it away. Let God use it to refine you. Learn to trust His voice above any other. Lean into the discomfort of it all. There is another side to this, and you will get there.

Just like a seed which is planted in the dirt, away from light, nurtured even in the darkness. It stretches, breaks apart, absorbs water and sprouts, growing roots and towards the surface at the same time. Breath by breath it expands, reaches, and blooms.

Eventually flourishing as if the transformation it underwent wasn’t the greatest miracle of all.

I’m here to tell you that you will bloom and to prepare as if you already are.

When it comes, it will come quick, and one day you will find yourself surrounded by the blessings you prayed for, basking in the light of God’s favor and in awe of the one who strung everything together in His perfect way.

I don’t know when or how or why, but I do know Who. If you’re following his lead, keep in step. Release the things you’re trying to force. Say no to fear and choose today to begin. Don’t look back. Don’t look around.

Whatever you’re idealizing, splash some cold water on it and see it for what it truly is.

When you are preparing for what is meant for you, there is no time to procrastinate, second-guess or be meek. Don’t settle for a counterfeit of the plans He has for you.

Your future is promised to you.

Own it. Embrace it. Enjoy the journey towards it. Answer the call on your life, follow the crumbs on the trail. What’s on your heart may seem out of reach, but that’s only because He wants you to rely on Him to get to it.

It’s finished. He’s conquered it all and with Him on our side, we will prevail, too. God is faithful. He is the God of restoration, the God of miracles. It may come in the 9th hour, but God will deliver you, He will see things through.

We were not created with brave ambitions for them to waste away in mediocrity or discontent. Those promises He made to us will come to fruition. So get ready.

Before you know it God will say it’s your time now, bloom.

Originally published 5-20-2018


Just like a seed which is planted in the dirt, away from light, nurtured even in the darkness. It stretches, breaks apart, absorbs water and sprouts, growing roots and towards the surface at the same time. Breath by breath it expands, reaches, and blooms.

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How precious to me are your thoughts, oh God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you. PSALM 139 17-18