for nearly three years, I've stayed away from this online space. prior to my hiatus, I was a full-time blogger, living her best farmers-market supported life in los angeles. I got paid to create beautiful content and often went out of my way to live a beautiful life for that exact reason.
when my dad died, life got a little too real. I lost my taste for curated things, and instead found myself craving authenticity. I started rebuilding gradually and carefully, from the inside out. in the process of becoming fully me, I discovered not everyone liked that unfiltered version. but I started to like her a whole lot.
resisting the temptation to shrink down in the face of criticism is no easy feat. I’m convinced, however, that I wasn’t created to fit into a mold. especially a mold crafted by other’s expectations of me. and so, I decided to burn it all down and press send.
introducing the new home of my writing, milieu.
milieu means, simply, the surroundings in which people find themselves. the character of your home, for example, or the atmosphere of your friend group. in this context, milieu is a space held— for you and I— to ponder the often nuanced social and cultural aspects of life. the topics that make us us.
it’s a place reserved for common sense, truth, and critical thinking, where sarcasm and wit trump political correctness. here, I hope, you find yourself at the end of what you know, and, with courage, swim a little deeper in the murky waters with me. long enough for it to become familiar and take shape.
for new ideas to, in turn, shape you.